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using System;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Drawing;using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace ImageControls{    ///     /// 控件    ///      public class ShapeEx : Control    {        #region 字段        private Color _BackColor; //背景颜色        ///         /// 必需的设计器变量。        ///         private Color _BorderColor; //边框颜色        private Point _MouseLocation;        private bool _ReSizeble; //是否可调整大小        private int _SelectSelctedIndex; //0-8,0:SizeAll        private int _SelfHeight;        private Point _SelfLocation;        private int _SelfWidth;        private Rectangle _rectBottomSelector;        private Rectangle _rectLeftBottomSelector;        private Rectangle _rectLeftSelector;        private Rectangle _rectLeftTopSelector;        private Rectangle _rectRightBottomSelector;        private Rectangle _rectRightSelector;        private Rectangle _rectRightTopSelector;        private Rectangle _rectTopSelector;        private Container components;        #region modify by anby        private float _ShapeExAngle; //控件的旋转角度        private int _ShapeExIsFocus; //0表示没有获取焦点,1表示获取焦点        #endregion        #endregion        #region 构造函数        public ShapeEx()        {            // 该调用是 Windows.Forms 窗体设计器所必需的。            InitializeComponent();        }        #endregion        #region 属性        [DefaultValue("Black"), Description("边框颜色"), Category("Appearance")]        public Color BorderColor        {            get            {                // Insert code here.                return _BorderColor;            }            set            {                _BorderColor = value;                Invalidate();            }        }        [Description("控件ID号,自增长"), Category("Appearance")]        public int ShapeExControlID { get; set; }        [Description("用于连接外部控件ID"), Category("Appearance")]        public int ShapeExJoinID { get; set; }        [DefaultValue("Control"), Description("背景颜色"), Category("Appearance")]        public override Color BackColor        {            get            {                // Insert code here.                return _BackColor;            }            set            {                _BackColor = value;                Invalidate();            }        }        [DefaultValue(false), Description("运行中控件大小是否可拖拽编辑"), Category("Behavior")]        public bool ReSizeble        {            get            {                // Insert code here.                return _ReSizeble;            }            set            {                _ReSizeble = value;                Invalidate();            }        }        [Description("控件选择区域"), Category("Behavior")]        public Rectangle SelectRectangle        {            get            {                var selectRectangler = new Rectangle();                selectRectangler.X = Location.X + 7;                selectRectangler.Y = Location.Y + 7;                selectRectangler.Height = Height - 15;                selectRectangler.Width = Width - 15;                return selectRectangler;            }        }        ///         /// 是否被获取焦点        ///         [Description("控件是否获取焦点"), Category("Focus")]        public int ShapeExIsFocus        {            get { return _ShapeExIsFocus; }            set { _ShapeExIsFocus = value; }        }        [Description("控件旋转角度"), Category("Angle")]        public float ShapeExAngle        {            get { return _ShapeExAngle; }            set            {                _ShapeExAngle = value;                this.Invalidate();                this.Visible = false;                this.Visible = true;            }        }        //CreateParams        protected override CreateParams CreateParams        {            get            {                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;                cp.ExStyle |= 0x00000020;                return cp;            }        }        #endregion        #region 私有方法        private void DrawSelector(Graphics graphics,Rectangle rect,Point[] Points)         {            //graphics.TranslateTransform(Pcenter.X, Pcenter.Y);            //graphics.RotateTransform(_ShapeExAngle);            ////恢复绘图平面在水平和垂直方向的平移    rPoints[0]            //graphics.TranslateTransform(-Pcenter.X, -Pcenter.Y);            var SelectorPen = new SolidBrush(Color.White);            var borderPen = new Pen(_BorderColor, 1);            try            {                //实心                Point[] LeftPoints = RPoints(getPoint(rect.X - 7, Height / 2 - 3, 6, 6));                graphics.FillClosedCurve(SelectorPen, LeftPoints);                Point[] TopPoints = RPoints(getPoint(Width / 2 - 3, rect.Y - 7, 6, 6));                graphics.FillClosedCurve(SelectorPen, TopPoints);                Point[] RightPoints = RPoints(getPoint(rect.X + rect.Width, Height / 2 - 3, 6, 6));                graphics.FillClosedCurve(SelectorPen, RightPoints);                Point[] BottomPoints = RPoints(getPoint(Width / 2 - 3, rect.Y + rect.Height, 6, 6));                graphics.FillClosedCurve(SelectorPen, BottomPoints);                Point[] LeftTopPoints = RPoints(getPoint(rect.X - 7, rect.Y - 7, 6, 6));                graphics.FillClosedCurve(SelectorPen, LeftTopPoints);                Point[] RightTopPoints =RPoints(getPoint(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y - 7, 6, 6));                graphics.FillClosedCurve(SelectorPen, RightTopPoints);                Point[] RightBottomPoints = RPoints(getPoint(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height, 6, 6));                graphics.FillClosedCurve(SelectorPen, RightBottomPoints);                Point[] LeftBottomPoints =  RPoints(getPoint(rect.X - 7, rect.Y + rect.Height, 6, 6));                graphics.FillClosedCurve(SelectorPen, LeftBottomPoints);                //边框                _rectLeftSelector.X = rect.X-7;                _rectLeftSelector.Y =Height/2-3;                _rectLeftSelector.Height = 6;                _rectLeftSelector.Width = 6;                var leftRpoints = RPoints(getPoint(_rectLeftSelector.X, _rectLeftSelector.Y, 6, 6));                graphics.DrawPolygon(borderPen, leftRpoints);                _rectLeftSelector.X = leftRpoints[0].X;                _rectLeftSelector.Y = leftRpoints[0].Y;                //graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, _rectLeftSelector);                _rectTopSelector.X = Width/2 - 3;                _rectTopSelector.Y =rect.Y-7;                _rectTopSelector.Height = 6;                _rectTopSelector.Width = 6;                var topRpoints = RPoints(getPoint(_rectTopSelector.X, _rectTopSelector.Y, 6, 6));                graphics.DrawPolygon(borderPen, topRpoints);                _rectTopSelector.X = topRpoints[0].X;                _rectTopSelector.Y = topRpoints[0].Y;                //graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, _rectTopSelector);                _rectRightSelector.X = rect.X+rect.Width;                _rectRightSelector.Y = Height/2-3;                _rectRightSelector.Height = 6;                _rectRightSelector.Width = 6;                var rightRpoints = RPoints(getPoint(_rectRightSelector.X, _rectRightSelector.Y, 6, 6));                graphics.DrawPolygon(borderPen, rightRpoints);                _rectRightSelector.X = rightRpoints[0].X;                _rectRightSelector.Y = rightRpoints[0].Y;                //graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, _rectRightSelector);                _rectBottomSelector.X = Width/2-3;                _rectBottomSelector.Y = rect.Y+rect.Height;                _rectBottomSelector.Height = 6;                _rectBottomSelector.Width = 6;                var bottomRpoints = RPoints(getPoint(_rectBottomSelector.X, _rectBottomSelector.Y, 6, 6));                graphics.DrawPolygon(borderPen, bottomRpoints);                _rectBottomSelector.X = bottomRpoints[0].X;                _rectBottomSelector.Y = bottomRpoints[0].Y;                ////graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, _rectBottomSelector);                _rectLeftTopSelector.X = rect.X-7;                _rectLeftTopSelector.Y = rect.Y-7;                _rectLeftTopSelector.Width = 6;                _rectLeftTopSelector.Height = 6;                var lefttopRpoints = RPoints(getPoint(_rectLeftTopSelector.X, _rectLeftTopSelector.Y, 6, 6));                graphics.DrawPolygon(borderPen, lefttopRpoints);                _rectLeftTopSelector.X = lefttopRpoints[0].X;                _rectLeftTopSelector.Y = lefttopRpoints[0].Y;                //graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, _rectLeftTopSelector);                _rectRightTopSelector.X = rect.X+rect.Width;                _rectRightTopSelector.Y = rect.Y-7;                _rectRightTopSelector.Width = 6;                _rectRightTopSelector.Height = 6;                var righttopRpoints= RPoints(getPoint(_rectRightTopSelector.X, _rectRightTopSelector.Y, 6, 6));                graphics.DrawPolygon(borderPen, righttopRpoints);                _rectRightTopSelector.X = righttopRpoints[0].X;                _rectRightTopSelector.Y = righttopRpoints[0].Y;                //graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, _rectRightTopSelector);                _rectRightBottomSelector.X = rect.X + rect.Width;                _rectRightBottomSelector.Y = rect.Y+rect.Height;                _rectRightBottomSelector.Width = 6;                _rectRightBottomSelector.Height = 6;                var rightbottomRpoints = RPoints(getPoint(_rectRightBottomSelector.X, _rectRightBottomSelector.Y, 6, 6));                graphics.DrawPolygon(borderPen, rightbottomRpoints);                _rectRightBottomSelector.X = rightbottomRpoints[0].X;                _rectRightBottomSelector.Y = rightbottomRpoints[0].Y;                //graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, _rectRightBottomSelector);                _rectLeftBottomSelector.X = rect.X-7;                _rectLeftBottomSelector.Y = rect.Y + rect.Height;                _rectLeftBottomSelector.Width = 6;                _rectLeftBottomSelector.Height = 6;                var leftbottompointRPoints =  RPoints(getPoint(_rectLeftBottomSelector.X, _rectLeftBottomSelector.Y, 6, 6));                graphics.DrawPolygon(borderPen,leftbottompointRPoints);                _rectLeftBottomSelector.X = leftbottompointRPoints[0].X;                _rectLeftBottomSelector.Y = leftbottompointRPoints[0].Y;                //graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, _rectLeftBottomSelector);            }            catch (Exception E)            {                throw E;            }            finally            {                SelectorPen.Dispose();                borderPen.Dispose();            }        }        public PointF Pcenter = new PointF();        public Point[] rPoints = null;        private PointF center = new PointF();        private void ReDrawControl(Graphics graphics)        {            try            {                var borderPen = new Pen(_BorderColor, 1);                //绘制边框                    var rectBorder = new Rectangle();                rectBorder.X = 7;                rectBorder.Y = 7;                rectBorder.Height = Height - 15;                rectBorder.Width = Width - 15;                center = new PointF(this.Width/2, this.Height/2);                                //算出要平移的坐标                Point RationPoint = new Point((int)(center.X - rectBorder.Width / 2), (int)(center.Y - rectBorder.Height / 2));                //要绘制的矩形                var picRect = new RectangleF(RationPoint.X, RationPoint.Y, (float)rectBorder.Width, (float)rectBorder.Height);                //圆心坐标                Pcenter = new PointF(picRect.X + picRect.Width/2, picRect.Y + picRect.Height/2);                #region 最后修改                PointF leftToppoint = new PointF(picRect.X,picRect.Y);                PointF leftBottompoint = new PointF(picRect.X, (picRect.Y + picRect.Height));                PointF rightToppoint = new PointF((picRect.X + picRect.Width), picRect.Y);                PointF rightBottompoint = new PointF((picRect.X + picRect.Width), (picRect.Y + picRect.Height));                 rPoints = RPoints(Point.Ceiling(leftToppoint),Point.Ceiling(rightToppoint),                                 Point.Ceiling(rightBottompoint), Point.Ceiling(leftBottompoint));                RectangleF controlRect = new RectangleF(this.Location.X, this.Location.Y, this.Width, this.Height);                                getNewRectangle(rPoints);                                graphics.DrawPolygon(borderPen, rPoints);                #endregion                #region 旋转内,但是无法获取旋转后的坐标,程序失控                // //绘图平面以图片的中心点旋转                //graphics.TranslateTransform(Pcenter.X, Pcenter.Y);                //graphics.RotateTransform(_ShapeExAngle);                ////恢复绘图平面在水平和垂直方向的平移                //graphics.TranslateTransform(-Pcenter.X, -Pcenter.Y);                //绘制图片                //graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, Rectangle.Ceiling(picRect));                 //重置绘图平面的所有变换                 //graphics.ResetTransform();                #endregion                #region 图片旋转 图片超出边界                ////圆心坐标                //var center = new PointF(rectBorder.Width/2, rectBorder.Height/2);                ////矩形左上坐标                //float offsetX = 0;                //float offsetY = 0;                //offsetX = center.X - rectBorder.Width/2;                //offsetY = center.Y - rectBorder.Height/2;                ////要画的图                //var picRect = new RectangleF(offsetX, offsetY, rectBorder.Width, rectBorder.Height);                //var Pcenter = new PointF(picRect.X + picRect.Width/2, picRect.Y + picRect.Height/2);                ////让图片绕中心旋转一周                ////for (int i = 0; i < 361; i += 10)                ////{
//var changeRect = new Rectangle((int) picRect.X, (int) picRect.Y, (int) picRect.Width, // (int) picRect.Height); ////绘图平面以图片的中心点旋转 //graphics.TranslateTransform(Pcenter.X, Pcenter.Y); //graphics.RotateTransform(_ShapeExAngle); ////恢复绘图平面在水平和垂直方向的平移 //graphics.TranslateTransform(-Pcenter.X, -Pcenter.Y); ////绘制图片并延时 //graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, changeRect); ////重置绘图平面的所有变换 //graphics.ResetTransform(); ////} #endregion //绘制编辑框 if (_ReSizeble) { DrawSelector(graphics,Rectangle.Ceiling(picRect),rPoints); } } catch (Exception E) { throw E; } finally { graphics.Dispose(); } } /// /// 根据数组坐标获取新的矩形 /// /// private void getNewRectangle(Point[] rPoints) { try { int maxCoorX = getPointCoorX(rPoints, true); int minCoorX = getPointCoorX(rPoints, false); int maxCoorY = getPointCoorY(rPoints, true); int minCoorY = getPointCoorY(rPoints, false); //获得width和height double width = Math.Sqrt(maxCoorX*maxCoorX + minCoorX*minCoorX); double height = Math.Sqrt(maxCoorY*maxCoorY + minCoorY*minCoorY); _SelfWidth = (int) width; _SelfHeight = (int) height; } catch (Exception) { } } private PointF[] getPointF(int x, int y, int Width, int Height) { var point1 = new PointF(x, y); var point2 = new PointF(x + Width, y); var point3 = new PointF(x + Width, y + Height); var point4 = new PointF(x, y + Height); PointF[] points = {point1, point2, point3, point4}; return points; } private Point[] getPoint(int x, int y, int Width, int Height) { var point1 = new Point(x, y); var point2 = new Point(x + Width, y); var point3 = new Point(x + Width, y + Height); var point4 = new Point(x, y + Height); Point[] points = { point1, point2, point3, point4 }; return points; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (components != null) components.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } #endregion #region 组件设计器生成的代码 private void InitializeComponent() { components = new Container(); Resize += ShapeEx_Resize; MouseDown += ShapeEx_MouseDown; MouseMove += ShapeEx_MouseMove; MouseLeave += ShapeEx_MouseLeave; MouseUp += ShapeEx_MouseUp; //this.GotFocus += new EventHandler(ShapeEx_GotFocus); //this.LostFocus += new EventHandler(ShapeEx_LostFocus); _ShapeExAngle = 30; _BorderColor = Color.Black; _BackColor = Color.FromName("Control"); _ReSizeble = false; _SelectSelctedIndex = -1; SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.Opaque, true); BackColor = Color.Transparent; } #endregion #region 事件 protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) { base.OnPaint(pe); ReDrawControl(pe.Graphics); } private void ShapeEx_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Width < 16 || Height < 16) { Width = 16; Height = 16; } Invalidate(); } private void ShapeEx_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { _ShapeExIsFocus = 1; if (_ReSizeble) { if (_rectLeftSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y) || _rectRightSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y) || _rectTopSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y) || _rectBottomSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y) || _rectLeftTopSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y) || _rectRightTopSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y) || _rectRightBottomSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y) || _rectLeftBottomSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) { if (_rectLeftTopSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; _SelectSelctedIndex = 1; } if (_rectTopSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS; _SelectSelctedIndex = 2; } if (_rectRightTopSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; _SelectSelctedIndex = 3; } if (_rectRightSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; _SelectSelctedIndex = 4; } if (_rectRightBottomSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; _SelectSelctedIndex = 5; } if (_rectBottomSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS; _SelectSelctedIndex = 6; } if (_rectLeftBottomSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; _SelectSelctedIndex = 7; } if (_rectLeftSelector.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; _SelectSelctedIndex = 8; } } else { Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll; _SelectSelctedIndex = 0; } _SelfLocation.X = Location.X; _SelfLocation.Y = Location.Y; _MouseLocation.X = Cursor.Position.X; _MouseLocation.Y = Cursor.Position.Y; _SelfWidth = Width; _SelfHeight = Height; } } private void ShapeEx_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { //move and resize switch (_SelectSelctedIndex) { case 0: Location = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - (_MouseLocation.X - _SelfLocation.X), Cursor.Position.Y - (_MouseLocation.Y - _SelfLocation.Y)); break; case 1: Height = _SelfHeight - (Cursor.Position.Y - _MouseLocation.Y); Width = _SelfWidth - (Cursor.Position.X - _MouseLocation.X); Location = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - _MouseLocation.X + _SelfLocation.X, Cursor.Position.Y - _MouseLocation.Y + _SelfLocation.Y); break; case 2: Height = _SelfHeight - (Cursor.Position.Y - _MouseLocation.Y); Location = new Point(_SelfLocation.X, Cursor.Position.Y - _MouseLocation.Y + _SelfLocation.Y); break; case 3: Height = _SelfHeight - (Cursor.Position.Y - _MouseLocation.Y); Width = _SelfWidth + (Cursor.Position.X - _MouseLocation.X); Location = new Point(_SelfLocation.X, Cursor.Position.Y - (_MouseLocation.Y - _SelfLocation.Y)); break; case 4: Width = _SelfWidth + (Cursor.Position.X - _MouseLocation.X); break; case 5: Height = _SelfHeight + (Cursor.Position.Y - _MouseLocation.Y); Width = _SelfWidth + (Cursor.Position.X - _MouseLocation.X); break; case 6: Height = _SelfHeight + (Cursor.Position.Y - _MouseLocation.Y); break; case 7: Height = _SelfHeight + (Cursor.Position.Y - _MouseLocation.Y); Width = _SelfWidth - (Cursor.Position.X - _MouseLocation.X); Location = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - _MouseLocation.X + _SelfLocation.X, _SelfLocation.Y); break; case 8: Width = _SelfWidth - (Cursor.Position.X - _MouseLocation.X); Location = new Point(Cursor.Position.X - _MouseLocation.X + _SelfLocation.X, _SelfLocation.Y); break; } Invalidate(); } private void ShapeEx_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor = Cursors.Default; _SelectSelctedIndex = -1; } private void ShapeEx_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { _ShapeExIsFocus = 0; Cursor = Cursors.Default; _SelectSelctedIndex = -1; } /// /// 用于减少画面闪烁效果及刷新控件 /// /// protected override void OnLocationChanged(EventArgs e) { Visible = false; Visible = true; } #endregion /// /// 对一个坐标点按照一个中心进行旋转 /// /// 中心点 /// 要旋转的点 /// 旋转角度,笛卡尔直角坐标 ///
private Point PointRotate(Point center, Point p1, double angle) { Point tmp = new Point(); double angleHude = angle * Math.PI / 180;/*角度变成弧度*/ double x1 = (p1.X - center.X) * Math.Cos(angleHude) + (p1.Y - center.Y) * Math.Sin(angleHude) + center.X; double y1 = -(p1.X - center.X) * Math.Sin(angleHude) + (p1.Y - center.Y) * Math.Cos(angleHude) + center.Y; tmp.X = (int)x1; tmp.Y = (int)y1; return tmp; } /// /// 根据rectangle的4个顶点获取旋转后的坐标 /// /// 左上角坐标 /// 左下脚坐标 /// 右上角坐标 /// 右下角坐标 ///
private Point[] RPoints(Point leftToppoint, Point rightToppoint, Point rightBottompoint, Point leftBottompoint) { //旋转后的点 Point rationleftToppoint = PointRotate(Point.Ceiling(Pcenter), leftToppoint, _ShapeExAngle); Point rationleftBottompoint = PointRotate(Point.Ceiling(Pcenter), leftBottompoint, _ShapeExAngle); Point rationrightToppoint = PointRotate(Point.Ceiling(Pcenter), rightToppoint, _ShapeExAngle); Point rationrightBottompoint = PointRotate(Point.Ceiling(Pcenter), rightBottompoint, _ShapeExAngle); Point[] rPoints = { rationleftToppoint, rationrightToppoint, rationrightBottompoint, rationleftBottompoint }; return rPoints; } /// /// 根据rectangle的4个顶点获取旋转后的坐标 /// /// 左上角坐标,左下脚坐标,右上角坐标,右下角坐标 ///
private Point[] RPoints(Point[] points) { //旋转后的点 Point rationleftToppoint = PointRotate(Point.Ceiling(Pcenter), points[0], _ShapeExAngle); Point rationrightToppoint = PointRotate(Point.Ceiling(Pcenter), points[1], _ShapeExAngle); Point rationrightBottompoint = PointRotate(Point.Ceiling(Pcenter), points[2], _ShapeExAngle); Point rationleftBottompoint = PointRotate(Point.Ceiling(Pcenter), points[3], _ShapeExAngle); Point[] rPoints = { rationleftToppoint, rationrightToppoint, rationrightBottompoint, rationleftBottompoint }; return rPoints; } private int getPointCoorX (Point[] arr,bool isMax) { if (arr == null) { throw new Exception(); } int max = 0; int[] myarr = new int[5]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length - 1; i++) { myarr[i] = arr[i].X; } Array.Sort(myarr); if (isMax) { return myarr[myarr.Length - 1]; } else { return myarr[0]; } } private int getPointCoorY(Point[] arr,bool isMax) { if (arr == null) { throw new Exception(); } int max = 0; int[] myarr = new int[5]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length - 1; i++) { myarr[i] = arr[i].Y; } Array.Sort(myarr); if (isMax) { return myarr[myarr.Length - 1]; } else { return myarr[0]; } } } }
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